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How Can Rolfing® Help Me?

Pain Relief

Many people seek Rolfing to find relief from pain. While no one enjoys feeling pain, it does serve a useful purpose. Without it, we might unknowingly rest our hand on a hot stove and suffer severe burns. Pain itself isn't inherently bad; the real issue arises with chronic pain. Fortunately, Rolfing often provides significant relief for chronic pain in the neck, back, hips, knees, and other areas of the body.

Improved Posture

To be clear, Rolfers are not the posture police. It's okay to slouch on the sofa; we all do it sometimes. However, when poor posture becomes a habit, it can lead to discomfort. Adopting a new posture can also be uncomfortable at first. Rolfing aims to improve posture by mobilizing stuck tissue and helping the body feel more freedom and ease. Good posture becomes effortless when it feels natural.

Increased Performance

Athletes, dancers, and musicians can benefit from Rolfing due to the repetitive movements involved in their activities. Fascia actively develops and strengthens in response to these forces. However, when movements become too repetitive, it can lead to overuse injuries, decreased mobility, and reduced performance. Rolfing encourages overdeveloped tissue to release tension and share the burden of movement with less developed tissue.

After Rolfing? What next?

After completing the Ten Series, it is often recommended to take a break from Rolfing for a little while. This allows the effects of the work time to manifest. As our bodies continually rebuild themselves, it's beneficial to allow ourselves time to adapt to the changes that occurred during the series. In some cases, it's beneficial to come in for follow up sessions a few weeks or months after completing the Ten Series. For others, one Ten Series is enough!

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