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The Ten Series

Experience the full benefits of Rolfing® Structural Integration with the comprehensive Ten Series. Each session targets specific areas of the body to identify and release unique points of restriction. This series works with the deepest layers of connective tissue, enhancing your body's fluidity and overall function.

You are welcome to book your sessions one by one, or purchase a prepaid package following the link below.

San Diego Rolfing Structural Integration 10 session series
San Diego Rolfing Structural Integration 3 session series

Three Session Series

Receive sessions one, two, and three of the Ten Series, which cover most areas of the body. This shorter series can be highly effective if committing to all ten sessions feels overwhelming.


You are welcome to book your sessions one by one, or purchase a prepaid package following the link below.

Single Session

Experience the benefits of Rolfing® before committing to a deeper series. This introductory session offers a great way to understand how Structural Integration differs from other forms of bodywork.


You are welcome to book an appointment for your single session, or prepay for your session by following the link below.

San Diego Rolfing Structural Integration single session

Are You A New Client?

If you are a new client I encourage you to follow this link to book a single session before purchasing a prepaid package. Prepaid packages are transferrable but non-refundable. Prepaid sessions must be completed within one year of purchase.

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